Some artists with this genre:
- Secret Chiefs 3
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
- Corpo-Mente
- Nevermen
- Dead Cross
- Darth Vegas
- Nuclear Rabbit
- Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog
- Univers Zero
- Pierre Vervloesem
- One Shot
- Valdimir Bozar ‘n’ ze Sheraf Orkestär
- Free Salamander Exhibit
- The Fantomas-Melvins Big Band
- The Book Of Knots
- Secret Chiefs 3: Ishraqiyun
- Screaming Mechanical Brain
- Miasma & The Carousel Of Headless Horses
- Don Salsa
- Ni
- Trevor Dunn's Trio Convulsant
- Atomic Ape
- Hashshashin
- Bubblemath
- Skeleton Key
- Secret Chiefs 3: UR
- Debile Menthol
- Patricia Dallio
- Maldoror
- Höyry-Kone
- Vicious Hairy Mary
- Bogus Blimp
- Bondage Fruit
- Pitom
- Doctor Nerve
- Black Engine
- Caterpillarmen
- Vas Deferens Organization
- Wondeur Brass
- Double Celled Organism
- Dim Sum Clip Job
- Steaming Coils
- Normal Love
- Calle Debauche
- Papa Boa
- Bizarre Noir
- Odd Circus
- die trip computer die
- Larval