slam death metal
Some artists with this genre:
- Xavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffx
- Acranius
- Gutrectomy
- Snuffed on Sight
- Guttural Slug
- Pathology
- Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship
- Abominable Putridity
- Stillbirth
- Katalepsy
- Kraanium
- Malodorous
- Visceral Disgorge
- Organectomy
- Chainsaw Castration
- Parasitic Ejaculation
- Traumatomy
- The Dark Prison Massacre
- Cerebral Incubation
- Malignancy
- Dehumanized
- Putridity
- Fatuous Rump
- Facelift Deformation
- Devangelic
- Epicardiectomy
- Maggot Colony
- Korpse
- Vulvectomy
- Coprocephalic Mutation
- Devour the Unborn
- Exorcised Gods
- Hymenotomy
- Esophagus
- Embryectomy
- .357 Homicide
- Diphenylchloroarsine
- Crepitation
- Craniotomy
- Short Bus Pile Up
- Cranial Osteotomy
- Syphilectomy
- Raped By Pigs
- Inveracity
- Syphilic
- Disavowed
- Cenotaph
- Insect Inside
- Condemned
- Rendered Helpless