Some artists with this genre:
- Everyday Heroes
- Smoking Martha
- The Nile Deltas
- Ethyrfield
- Aviator Shades
- Myke Gray
- Hungryheart
- Jailbirds
- Burnt Out Wreck
- Stand Amongst Giants
- Iconic Eye
- Walkway
- The New Breed
- The Main Grains
- Desolation Angels
- Violent Gin
- Kane'D
- Bad Llama
- 50 Year Storm
- The Idol Dead
- The Big Dirty
- Vagabond Hearts
- Dellacoma
- City of Thieves
- Red Spektor
- Devilfire
- Rainbreakers
- Dig Lazarus
- Hand of Dimes
- Gasoline Outlaws
- Samarkind
- Falling Red
- Trident Waters
- Royal Bloom
- Verity White
- Big River
- Wild Heat
- Mad Haven
- Voodoo Blood
- Boneyard Dog
- The Rocket Dolls
- Aaron Keylock
- Geoff Carne & the Hatz
- The Della Grants
- Goldwater
- Little Red Kings
- Firekind
- Superseed
- Full Blown Electric