Gerald Finley
Followers: 1656
Popularity: 31
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Verdi: Otello
Janáček: The Cunning Little Vixen, Sinfonietta
Vaughan Williams: Overture to The Wasps & A Sea Symphony
Great Operatic Arias, Vol. 22 - Gerald Finley
Turnage: Songs
Britten: War Requiem
Turnage: Scherzoid
Della Jones sings Rossini Arias
Mendelssohn: Elijah
Vaughan Williams: Overture to The Wasps & A Sea Symphony
Great Operatic Arias, Vol. 22
Purcell: The Indian Queen
Stanford: Songs of the Fleet, Songs of the Sea & A Ballad of the Fleet
Mozart: Requiem