Followers: 39215
Popularity: 27
- avant-garde metal
- black metal
- symphonic black metal
- austrian metal
- austrian black metal
- technical black metal
- medieval black metal
Related artists:
- Mysticum
- Judas Iscariot
- Absu
- Funeral Mist
- Graveland
- Sargeist
- Behexen
- Enthroned
- Ancient
- Azaghal
- Horna
- Zyklon-B
- Arckanum
- Kvist
- Ondskapt
- Limbonic Art
- Obtained Enslavement
- Setherial
- Aeternus
- Armagedda
Is related artist of :
- Lord Belial
- Enthroned
- Ancient
- Arcturus
- Hecate Enthroned
- Astarte
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Bal-Sagoth
- Limbonic Art
- Setherial
- Behexen
- Inquisition
- Judas Iscariot
- Sargeist
- Craft
- Ondskapt
- Sacramentum
- Armagedda
- Krypt
- Ljå
- Horna
- Gehenna
- Lunar Aurora
- Drudkh
Totschläger: A Saintslayer's Songbook
Four Keys To A Foul Reich
Höllenzwang (Chronicles of Perdition)
Time Is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint
Leytmotif Luzifer
Origo Regium 1993-1994
Fractal Possession
Verwustung/Invoke the Dark Age & Opus IV
Nachthymnen/Orkblut-The Retaliation
Channeling the Quintessence of Satan
Supreme Immortal Art