Rachel Sermanni
Followers: 27386
Popularity: 33
Related artists:
- Bess Atwell
- Fionn Regan
- Nadia Reid
- Rachael Dadd
- Josienne Clarke
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- Joan Shelley
- Tiny Ruins
- Charm of Finches
- The Breath
- Niamh Regan
- Anna Tivel
- Lemoncello
- Sophie Jamieson
- Arny Margret
- Susan O'Neill
- Luluc
- Emily Fairlight
- Luke De-Sciscio
- Chris Brain
Is related artist of :
Dreamer Awake Sketches
Dreamer Awake
So It Turns
Tied to the Moon
Live In Dawson City
Under Mountains
- no way blues
- now i know
- Dreamer Awake Sketches
- Big Desire
- Killer Line
- Jacob
- Every Swimming Pool Runs to the Sea
- Swallow Me
- Lay My Heart
- Tiger
- What Can I Do
- Gently
- Everything Changes
- Ae Fond Kiss
- Everything Is Ok
- The Boatshed Sessions
- Black Current EP
- The Bothy Sessions