Fantasy Reborn
Followers: 3822
Popularity: 25
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Is related artist of :
The Super Street Fighter II Piano Album
The Final Fantasy XV Piano Album
The Red Dead Redemption Piano Album
Fantasy Reborn, Vol. II
The Final Fantasy X
The Final Fantasy VIII Piano Album
Fantasy Reborn Vol. I
- Town (From "Final Fantasy I")
- Main Theme (From "Final Fantasy I")
- Autumn of Mankind (From "Gears of War 2")
- Aquatic Ambience (From "Donkey Kong Country")
- The Outer Worlds ~ Piano Suite
- The Red Dead Redemption Piano Album, Vol. 2
- Unchanging Everchanging (from "Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers")
- A Land Long Dead ~ The Burn (From "Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers")
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow ~ Reprise (from "Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers")
- Pain In Pleasure (from "Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers")
- A Dream in Flight (From "Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers")
- Love Lost (from "Final Fantasy XV")
- A Lightness Journey (from "Final Fantasy XV")
- Twilight Over Thanalan (Final Fantasy XIV)
- The Prelude (From "Final Fantasy")
- Kiss Me Goodbye (From "Final Fantasy XII")
- FFVIII - Balamb Garden (reborn) v.2
- Final Fantasy VI - Awakening (reborn)