Matthew Halsall
Followers: 103584
Popularity: 45
Related artists:
- Girls in Airports
- Chip Wickham
- Brandee Younger
- Makaya McCraven
- Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah
- Nils Petter Molvær
- Mammal Hands
- Yazz Ahmed
- Fazer
- Abdullah Ibrahim
- Neil Cowley Trio
- Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band
- Jasmine Myra
- Oded Tzur
- Dezron Douglas
- The Gondwana Orchestra
- Óskar Guðjónsson
- Furio Di Castri
- Petros Klampanis
- Johnathan Blake
Is related artist of :
- Portico Quartet
- GoGo Penguin
- Jono McCleery
- The Matthew Herbert Big Band
- Neil Cowley Trio
- Girls in Airports
- Mammal Hands
- Svaneborg Kardyb
- Fazer
- Bremer/McCoy
- Slowly Rolling Camera
An Ever Changing View
Salute to the Sun (Live at Hallé St Peter's)
Salute to the Sun
Into Forever
When the World Was One (Special Edition)
Fletcher Moss Park
On The Go (Special Edition)
Colour Yes (Special Edition)
Sending My Love (Special Edition)
- Mountains, Trees and Seas
- Calder Shapes
- Water Street
- Changing Earth
- The Temple Within
- The Energy of Life (Edit)
- Joyful Spirits of the Universe
- Journey in Satchidananda / Blue Nile