Paddy And The Rats
Followers: 77575
Popularity: 46
Related artists:
- Storm Seeker
- The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats
- The Rumjacks
- The Real McKenzies
- Sir Reg
- The Rumpled
- Smokey Bastard
- Firkin
- The Stanfields
- Jolly Jackers
- Mr. Irish Bastard
- Irish Moutarde
- The Clan
- The Feelgood McLouds
- Brave the Sea
- The Killigans
- Happy Ol'McWeasel
- Ye Banished Privateers
- Fiddler's Green
- Kilkenny Knights
Is related artist of :
- The Sidh
- Ye Banished Privateers
- The Rumpled
- The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats
- The Rumjacks
- Sir Reg
- Firkin
- Fiddler's Green
From Wasteland to Wonderland
Riot City Outlaws
Lonely Hearts' Boulevard (Bonus Track Version)
Lonely Hearts' Boulevard
Tales From The Docks
Hymns for Bastards
Rats on Board
- This is our Life
- Party Like a Pirate
- Everybody Get Up
- After the Rain
- Dark After the Night
- Demons Call
- Make a Change
- Tavaszi Szél
- Drunk and Fucked Up
- Castaway
- Where Red Paints the Ocean
- Join the Riot
- United We Stand