Followers: 12789
Popularity: 18
- ethereal wave
- medieval folk
- neoclassical darkwave
- italian gothic
- dark wave
- neofolk
- martial industrial
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Centaurea
- Concerto N. 6 a baroque plaisanterie
- Pomegranate (The Chant of the Elementals)
- Quasar
- Synchronicity Embraced
- Deep Blue Firmament
- Ena
- Historiae
- Wind at Mount Elo
- Spasms (Sous La Coupole Spleenétique Du Ciel)
- Llyr
- Kremasta Nera
- Paris Spleen
- Saphir
- Mon Seul Désir
- Suenos
- Lost Atlantis
- La malediction d'ondine
- The Moon Sang on the April Chair
- Simphonia Sine Nomine
- Arazzi
- Nosce te ipsum
- Prophetia