Followers: 14162
Popularity: 23
Related artists:
- Jaguar
- Witch Cross
- Bitches Sin
- Tytan
- Battleaxe
- Avenger
- Chateaux
- Atomkraft
- Gaskin
- Picture
- Ostrogoth
- Thor
- Gravestone
- Attacker
- Mindless Sinner
- Axewitch
- Shok Paris
- Acid
- Alien Force
- Medieval Steel
Is related artist of :
- Satan
- Tokyo Blade
- Omen
- Cloven Hoof
- Witchfynde
- Witch Cross
- Avenger
- Picture
- Ostrogoth
- Stormwitch
- Gravestone
- Attacker
- Medieval Steel
- Blaze Bayley
- Air Raid
- Ambush
- Ross The Boss
- Heavens Gate
- Metal Inquisitor
- White Wizzard
- Scanner
- Wolf
- Steelwing
- Vicious Rumors
- Leather
- Demon
- The Rods
- Chastain
Forced Commandments
Transition State
Vinyl Tracks
Burning Leather
Fire in the Brain
Roll the Dice
Decibel Storm
III Warning
Heavy Metal Heroes
- Undercover / Wicked Vices
- Goin' Down
- Prison of Time
- Break Out (Bonus Track)
- Bone Crusher
- Restless
- Turn the Cross Upside Down