Mare Cognitum
Followers: 21104
Popularity: 19
- atmospheric black metal
- blackgaze
- autonomous black metal
- portland metal
- sci-fi metal
- voidgaze
- cascadian black metal
- cosmic black metal
Related artists:
- Blut Aus Nord
- Almyrkvi
- Sunken
- Ethereal Shroud
- Darkspace
- Spectral Lore
- Fen
- Fluisteraars
- Zhrine
- Woe
- Ultha
- Aoratos
- Aosoth
- Svartidaudi
- Suffering Hour
- Ascension
- Alda
- Vanum
- Sinmara
- Fuath
Is related artist of :
- Dødheimsgard
- Blut Aus Nord
- Almyrkvi
- Evoken
- Wolves In The Throne Room
- Darkspace
- The Ruins Of Beverast
- Ahab
- Fen
- Deathspell Omega
- Ultha
- Esoteric
Wanderers: Astrology of The Nine
Solar Paroxysm
Luminiferous Aether
An Extraconscious Lucidity
Phobos Monolith