Shade Empire
Followers: 28558
Popularity: 29
- melodic death metal
- finnish death metal
- finnish melodeath
- symphonic black metal
- symphonic death metal
- industrial black metal
Related artists:
- Soulfallen
- Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
- Noumena
- Dark The Suns
- In Mourning
- Shylmagoghnar
- In Vain
- Brymir
- Countless Skies
- Words Of Farewell
- Catamenia
- Marianas Rest
- Skyfire
- Dark Oath
- Fractal Gates
- Kaunis Kuolematon
- Duskmourn
- Frosttide
- Enshine
- Stormlord
Is related artist of :
- Stormlord
- Kalmah
- Agathodaimon
- Mors Principium Est
- Before The Dawn
- Omnium Gatherum
- Norther
- Graveworm
- Catamenia
- Dragonlord
- Illnath
- Be'lakor
- Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
- Wolfheart
- Xerath
- Mechina
- Dark The Suns
- Noumena
- Shylmagoghnar
- Brymir
- Countless Skies
- Marianas Rest
- Skyfire
- Kaunis Kuolematon
- Frosttide
- Dawn Of Solace
- Enshine
- Nailed to Obscurity
- In Mourning
- In Vain
- Words Of Farewell
- Dark Oath
- Fractal Gates
- Ghost Brigade
- Valtari
Sunholy (Expanded)
Poetry Of The Ill-Minded
Omega Arcane
Zero Nexus
Intoxicate O.S.