...And Oceans
Followers: 21695
Popularity: 21
Related artists:
- Mephorash
- Uada
- Havukruunu
- Imperium Dekadenz
- Sulphur Aeon
- Auðn
- Naglfar
- Kampfar
- Nordjevel
- Dark Fortress
- Vreid
- Mistur
- Thulcandra
- Darkwoods My Betrothed
- Netherbird
- Astrophobos
- Lucifer's Child
- Sworn
- Cloak
- Marrasmieli
Is related artist of :
As in Gardens, So in Tombs (Deluxe Edition)
As in Gardens, So in Tombs
Cosmic World Mother
The Symmetry of I the Circle of O
The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
- Within Fire and Crystal
- Likt Törnen Genom Kött
- The Collector and His Construct
- Cloud Heads
- Five of Swords
- Vigilance and Atrophy
- The Dissolution of Mind and Matter