Followers: 53491
Popularity: 32
Related artists:
- Alan Vega
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- Psychic TV
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- The Legendary Pink Dots
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Chris & Cosey
- Crime & the City Solution
- Chrome
- Lydia Lunch
- Test Dept
- 23 Skidoo
- Clock DVA
- Pere Ubu
- Winston Tong
- Minimal Compact
- The Residents
- Snakefinger
- Blaine L. Reininger
Is related artist of :
- The Residents
- Psychic TV
- The Legendary Pink Dots
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Chrome
- Pere Ubu
- Snakefinger
- Renaldo & The Loaf
- Laurie Anderson
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- NEU!