Zara Nelsova
Followers: 717
Popularity: 9
Related artists:
- Lynn Harrell
- Paul Tortelier
- Heinrich Schiff
- Leonard Rose
- Maurice Gendron
- Gregor Piatigorsky
- Natalia Gutman
- Vito Paternoster
- Daniil Shafran
- Emanuel Feuermann
- Coenraad Bloemendal
- Denise Djokic
- Gaspar Cassadó
- Lamar Crowson
- Alexander Dedyukhin
- Artur Balsam
- Esteban La Rotta
- Keith Harvey
- Carlo Graziani
- Andrés Díaz
Is related artist of :
- Paul Tortelier
- Leonard Rose
- Maurice Gendron
- Gregor Piatigorsky
- Natalia Gutman
- Daniil Shafran
- Emanuel Feuermann
- Gaspar Cassadó
- Artur Balsam
- Keith Harvey
- Carlo Graziani
Milestones of a Legend: The Cello Queen, Vol. 5
Milestones of a Legend: The Cello Queen, Vol. 7
Bloch Voice In The Wilderness
Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto No. 1; Lalo: Cello Concerto (Adrian Boult – The Decca Legacy III, Vol. 3)
Edouard Lalo: Cello Concerto - Samuel Barber: Cello Concerto - Ernest Bloch: Voice in the Wilderness
Cello Sonatas by Beethoven, Brahms and Rachmaninov