Followers: 142589
Popularity: 42
Related artists:
- Electric Wizard
- Crowbar
- Weedeater
- Acid King
- Church Of Misery
- Conan
- Cough
- Neurosis
- Primitive Man
- Bongripper
- Bongzilla
- Goatsnake
- Buzzov•en
- Iron Monkey
- Grief
- Noothgrush
- Soilent Green
- High On Fire
- Saint Vitus
Is related artist of :
- Electric Wizard
- Sleep
- Weedeater
- Church Of Misery
- Bongripper
- Bongzilla
- High On Fire
- Melvins
- Acid Bath
- Buzzov•en
- Iron Monkey
- Grief
- Crowbar
- Godflesh
A History of Nomadic Behavior
Take As Needed for Pain (Remastered Re-issue + Bonus Tracks)
In the Name of the Suffering (remastered Re-issue + Bonus)
Dopesick (remastered Re-issue + Bonus)
Preaching the"End-Time"Message
10 Years of Abuse and Still Broke (Live)
Southern Discomfort (Demos & Rarities)
Confederacy of Ruined Lives
- Circle of Nerves
- Built Beneath the Lies
- Fake What's Yours
- High Risk Trigger
- Gates of Steel
- Split 7''
- The Liars Psalm
- New Orleans Is the New Vietnam