Followers: 31664
Popularity: 40
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Albums: Singles:
- New Light (Azaleh Remix)
- Mareld
- Pitch Black
- Boids
- Remembrance
- Blue Hour
- Infinitely Finite
- Nothing To Be
- Fever Dream
- Catharsis (Azaleh & Echo Map Remix)
- Lazulia
- Patronus
- Neomagia
- Jade
- Feather
- Kanedas Dream
- Matriarch
- Matahash
- Saphir
- Momentum
- Opal
- Inbetween
- Kalaida
- Samsara
- Selenian
- Moya
- Arcanum
- Sanctuary (Azaleh Remix)
- Narande
- A Whale on the Edge of the World (Inspired by 'The Outlaw Ocean' a book by Ian Urbina)
- Kemuri
- Cosmica
- Imagine
- Qualia
- Vidura
- Meertraum
- Tether
- Vergangenheit
- Revelations
- Sky Call
- Aufbruch
- 04.49 Uhr
- Atlas
- Forest Flow
- Sleepless
- Obscured Truth
- Submerged
- Pendulum
- Somnia
- Aquila
- Astral
- Maera
- What Still Remains
- Rainy Nights
- For My Soul
- New Paths
- Endeavour
- Unify
- Five Days