Followers: 30214
Popularity: 21
- black metal
- pagan black metal
- atmospheric black metal
- blackgaze
- post-black metal
- british black metal
- voidgaze
- cosmic black metal
- uk post-metal
Related artists:
- Der Weg einer Freiheit
- Almyrkvi
- Sunken
- Spectral Lore
- Trna
- Ultar
- A Forest Of Stars
- Mare Cognitum
- Thränenkind
- Misþyrming
- Ultha
- Enisum
- Imperium Dekadenz
- Falls of Rauros
- Auðn
- Mesarthim
- Alda
- Eneferens
- Pillorian
- Waldgeflüster
Is related artist of :
- Monuments to Absence
- The Dead Light
- Winter
- Carrion Skies
- Dustwalker
- Epoch
- Towards the Shores of the End
- The Malediction Fields