Mono Inc.
Followers: 138008
Popularity: 50
Related artists:
- Lord Of The Lost
- Tanzwut
- Mantus
- Letzte Instanz
- Sündenklang
- Unzucht
- Down Below
- A Life Divided
- Stahlmann
- Stoneman
- Erdling
- Schwarzer Engel
- Kaizer
- Hell Boulevard
- Scarlet Dorn
- MajorVoice
- Schöngeist
- Harms & Kapelle
- Schlagwetter
Is related artist of :
- Lord Of The Lost
- Blutengel
- Scarlet Dorn
- Down Below
- A Life Divided
- Kaizer
- MajorVoice
- Harms & Kapelle
- Saltatio Mortis
- dArtagnan
Mono Inc. (Live in Hamburg)
The Book of Fire (Platinum Edition)
Melodies in Black
The Book Of Fire (Die Geschichte einer Hexe)
The Book of Fire
Symphonic Live
Welcome to Hell
Symphonies of Pain - Hits and Rarities
Together Till the End
The Clock Ticks On
After the War
Viva Hades
Voices of Doom
Pain, Love & Poetry
Temple of the Torn
- Lieb Mich (Symphonic Live - The Second Chapter)
- In My Heart (Symphonic Live - The Second Chapter)
- Boatman (Live in Hamburg)
- Ravenblack (Fan Edit)
- Arabia (Live In Hamburg)
- Louder Than Hell (Live In Hamburg)
- The Raven's Back
- Children of the Dark
- Right for the Devil
- The Book of Fire
- Louder Than Hell
- Together Till the End
- Boatman
- An klaren Tagen
- Tag X
- After the War
- Comedown