Mr FijiWiji
Followers: 70200
Popularity: 40
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Albums: Singles:
- We Are the Lights
- Wasted
- You Say
- Teenage Birdsong
- that star over there
- Fog Dancer
- Narcissist
- Unconditional / You Worry Enough
- Higher
- You Worry Enough
- Dove Machine
- Mind Racer
- Sentry
- A Second Wind
- Ghoul
- Broken Television / Television
- flutter
- Dork
- Cries for Help
- Stained Glass
- Television
- Autonomy
- Melancholy
- then i just let go
- Passionfruit
- Colors, Pt. 2
- The Colossal
- Safe
- Numb
- Morningstar
- Better Than Ever (Mr FijiWiji Remix)
- Conifer (Direct & Mr FijiWiji Remix)
- LA2016
- Iris
- Enough
- Reality Is More Beautiful
- Andromeda
- Dive
- Tomorrow
- Drunkard
- Dogma
- Yours Truly (The Remixes)
- Aphasia
- Memory (Mr FijiWiji Remix)
- Growing Up
- Believe Her
- Entropy
- Let Me Out
- Friends
- Hysteria
- Cynical
- The Mentalist
- Keeping It Surreal
- Pure Sunlight