Followers: 249591
Popularity: 54
Related artists:
- Kevin Morby
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- Lucy Rose
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- The Tallest Man On Earth
- Fionn Regan
- Leif Vollebekk
- This Is The Kit
- The Staves
- Phosphorescent
- Matthew And The Atlas
- Damien Jurado
- John Grant
Is related artist of :
- Michael Kiwanuka
- The Staves
- Laura Marling
- James Vincent McMorrow
- Johnny Flynn
- Stornoway
- Fink
- Charlie Cunningham
- Nick Mulvey
- Other Lives
- First Aid Kit
- Frazey Ford
- Benjamin Clementine
- Feist
- Cat Power
- Sharon Van Etten
- Aldous Harding
Fever Dreams (Deluxe Edition)
Fever Dreams
The Art of Pretending to Swim (Deluxe Edition)
The Art Of Pretending To Swim
Where Have You Been All My Life?
Darling Arithmetic
Becoming A Jackal
Darling Arithmetic (Commentary)
That Golden Time
- I Want What I Don't Need
- You Lucky One
- That Golden Time
- The Little Drummer Boy
- So Simpatico
- The First Day
- The Sunday Walker EP
- Summer's Song
- A Trick of the Light / Fool (Mahogany Sessions)
- A Trick of the Light (Bibio Remix)
- Again
- Fool
- A Trick of the Light
- Fortunate Child
- Occupy Your Mind
- The Waves (Psychemagik Remix)
- Spotify Sessions
- The Waves (Remixes)
- The Waves
- Cecelia & Her Selfhood
- That Day
- Ship Of Promises
- Mountain out of a Molehill