Michael Tippett
Followers: 3089
Popularity: 21
Related artists:
- Bohuslav Martinů
- Arthur Honegger
- Ernst Krenek
- Witold Lutosławski
- Robin Holloway
- Walter Piston
- John Ireland
- Henri Dutilleux
- William Schuman
- Arthur Bliss
- Lennox Berkeley
- Arnold Bax
- Robert Simpson
- Colin Matthews
- Alun Hoddinott
- Kenneth Leighton
- Havergal Brian
- Oliver Knussen
- Edmund Rubbra
- Harrison Birtwistle
Is related artist of :
- Tippett: A Child of Our Time
- Tippett: The Rose Lake & The Vision of St. Augustine
- Tippett: A Child of Our Time
- Tippett: Concerto For Violin, Viola & Cello
- Tippett: A Child Of Our Time
- A Child Of Our Time
- Tippett: The Midsummer Marriage (Live)
- English String Music: Britten, Holst, Purcell, Vaughan Williams...
- Tippett: A Child of Our Time
- A Child Of Our Times Ritual Dances