Jean Françaix
Followers: 2391
Popularity: 25
Related artists:
- Paul Hindemith
- Bohuslav Martinů
- Arthur Honegger
- Albert Roussel
- Witold Lutosławski
- Charles Ives
- Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège
- Carl Reinecke
- Henri Dutilleux
- Grażyna Bacewicz
- George Enescu
- André Jolivet
- Jörg Widmann
- Nikolai Myaskovsky
- Emmanuel Strosser
- Christopher Ward
- Erwin Schulhoff
- Béla Kovács
- Kurt Atterberg
- Lowell Liebermann
Is related artist of :
French Music for Violin and Piano: Auric, Françaix, Milhaud, Poulenc & Satie
Cramer & Françaix: Piano Concertos - Franck: Symphonic Variations
Children's Corner
Gargantua And Other Delights
The Flute Master