Zoltán Kodály
Followers: 12178
Popularity: 30
Related artists:
- Paul Hindemith
- Francis Poulenc
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- Bohuslav Martinů
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- Witold Lutosławski
- Anton Webern
- Alban Berg
- Leoš Janáček
- Karol Szymanowski
- Jacques Ibert
- Vincent d'Indy
- Max Reger
- Henri Dutilleux
- Ernest Bloch
- Édouard Lalo
- Ernst von Dohnányi
- Carl Nielsen
Is related artist of :
Mehr als Worte sagt ein Lied
Janáček: Glagolitic Mass; Kodály: Missa Brevis
Peacock Variations
Solti - Bartók
Kodaly: Hary Jones Suite - Dances of Galanta
Kodály - Háry János Suite etc
Kodaly: Symphony; Summer Evening; Hungarian Rondo
Windsbacher Knabenchor: Choral Music in the 20th Century
Violoncello: Suites and Sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, György Ligeti and Zoltán Kodály (Cello con Fuoco)
Kodály: Organ Works
Kodály: Sonata for Solo Cello in B Minor, Op. 8, K. 38
Kodály: Háry János Suite, Summer Evening & Symphony in C Major
Zoltán Kodály: Chamber Music for Cello
Kodály: Sonata for Solo Cello, Op. 8
Kodály: Cello Solo Sonata, Op. 8
Zoltán Kodály: Missa Brevis (En Vivo)
Kodály: Piano Works