Forest FX
Followers: 38
Popularity: 2
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Is related artist of :
Sleeping Sonic: Binaural Lullabies Embrace
Thunderous Melody: Basic Rhythmic Soundscape
Natures Symphony: Harmonic Wilderness Overture
Nature's Resonance: Insects for Ultimate Relaxation
Nature Sound: Sounds of Waterfall and Chirping Birds Vol. 1
Moonlit Nature's Owlsong by the River
Nature's Blaze: Fireside Escapes
Calming Forest Rain Vol. 2
Bugs in Harmony: Relaxing Nature's Serenades
Raindrop Study Refrain: Rain's Scholarly Nocturne
Harmonic Flame Companions: Musical Pet Serenity
Nature's Bliss: The Forest's Symphony for Deep Meditation