Binaural Symphony
Followers: 1108
Popularity: 12
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Binaural Solitude: Relaxation Tones
Binaural Birds Meditation: Nature's Zen Tune - 92 88 Hz
Melody Mosaic: Music for Auditory Collage
Feline Harmonics: Music for Cat Relaxation
Infinite Binaural: Music of the Cosmos
Binaural Dreams: Sleep Unveiled
Night's Embrace: Binaural Thunder for Sleep
Binaural Thunder for Relaxation: Serene Echoes
Melodic Horizons: Expansive Music Views
Cadence of Culture: Global Music Fusion
Ocean's Symphony: Music for Nautical Echoes
Warm Hearth Pets: Soothing Fire Music for Animals
Bonfire Beats: Rhythmic Fire Night Music
Liquid Harmony: Music of the Water
Binaural Pets: Calming Melodies for Companions
Fire's Companion: Binaural Pets Melody
Fire Binaural Serenity: Calming Frequencies
Feathered Harmony: Binaural Birds Tune - 92 88 Hz
Binaural Nature’s Calm: Birds and Creek Relaxation - 92 96 Hz
Binaural Nature's Sleep: Creek and Birds Soothing - 92 96 Hz
River Nirvana: Water Flows Meditation
Deep Sleep Ocean: Binaural Beats for Relaxation
Binaural Symphony: Rain and Thunder Sounds
Binaural Fire Vibes: Warmth Rhythms
Binaural Fire Echo: Meditation Depth
Tranquil Mind: Binaural Beats for Anxiety Management
Music for Spiritual Growth: Binaural Beats Harmony
Peaceful Thunder: Calming Natural Soundscapes
Streamline Melody: Binaural Water Flow
Thunder Meditation: Zen Serenity Chant
River Moods: Tidal Harmonics Shift
Binaural Dreams: Peaceful Sleep Hues
Binaural Fire Yoga: Energizing Heat Sounds
Stream Meditation: Calm Waters Journey
Fire Resonance: Melodic Heat Waves
Brookside Serenity: Binaural Waterscape
Rippling Reflections: Binaural Peaceful Waters
Theta Waves and Sitar Music on Nature
- Amniotic fluid state of mind (ALPHA SINUS)
- Binaural Gamma Sinus
- Healing frequencies and positive tuning
- Delta Waves for Deep Relaxation and Sleep
- Tibetan Bowls and Binaural Healing Waves
- Delta and Theta Waves for Sleep Deep Relaxing and Meditation (Delta and Theta Binaural Beats)
- Binaural Theta Sinus Waves
- Binaural Brainwaves for High Efficiency, Focus and Concentration (Gamma, Beta, Alpha)