Whispers In The Shadow
Followers: 5216
Popularity: 10
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Ghosts
- Gilding The Lily (A Retrospective 1996-2021)
- Yesterday Is Forever
- Distant Thoughts II (Outtakes, Remixes & Demos 2019-2020)
- Distant Thoughts (Outtakes, Remixes & Demos 2016-2018)
- The Urgency of Now
- Beyond the Cycles of Time
- If Wormwood Falls (Live In Berlin 2012)
- Tunes from Underneath the Surface (Live)
- The Rites of Passage
- Searching for Light (Live Album)
- The Eternal Arcane
- Permanent Illusions
- Into the Arms of Chaos
- Into the Arms of Chaos
- Borrowed Nightmares and Forgotten Dreams
- A Taste of Decay
- November
- Laudanum
- A Cold Night (Live in Vienna 2006)
- Dystopia (Remix)
- Other Hauntings EP
- Revenants EP
- Majesty & Torment (Single)
- A Haunting (Single)
- Ghost Loop Remedy (Single)
- Sacred Fear
- The Arrival (Redux 2021)
- Drowning Like The Moon (Redux 2021)
- Left-Hand Anthem (Redux 2021)
- Damned Nation (Redux 2021)
- The Lightbringer EP