Alexander Litvinovsky
Followers: 3458
Popularity: 40
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Is related artist of :
Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats (Suite for String Orchestra and Violin)
Pinocchio (Suite per Orchestra d'Archi e Mandolino)
Pelléas et Mélisande (Suite for String Orchestra - Live)
Pelléas et Mélisande (Suite for String Orchestra)
Tales of the Magic Tree (12 Pieces for String Orchestra)
Le Grand Cahier (Suite for String Orchestra)
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: X. Happily Ever After
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: IX. Successful Rescue of the Young Goats
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: VIII. Mother Goat's Grief
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: VII. The Wolf Attacks and Eats the Seven Young Goats
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: VI. The Blacksmith
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: V. The Miller
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: IV. Big Bad Wolf
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: III. Playful Goatlings
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: II. Mother Goat
- Litvinovsky: The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats: I. Morning Jogging