Maddy Prior
Followers: 15748
Popularity: 28
Related artists:
- Andy Irvine
- The Carnival Band
- June Tabor
- Martin Carthy
- Eliza Carthy
- Jackie Oates
- The Watersons
- Nancy Kerr
- Maddy Prior & Tim Hart
- Silly Sisters
- Waterson:Carthy
- Andy Cutting
- Barry Coope
- Kate
- Jim Boyes
- Lester Simpson
- The Voice Squad
- Skara Brae
- Brenda Wootton
- Jean Redpath
Is related artist of :
Awake & Join the Cheerful Choir
3 for Joy
Seven For Old England
The Quest
Arthur The King
Ballads And Candles
Flesh and Blood
Sing Lustily & With Good Courage
A Tapestry of Carols
Woman in the Wings
Changing Winds (1993 Remaster)
Silly Sisters
Summer Solstice