John Theodore
Followers: 2144
Popularity: 30
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Is related artist of :
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns LOOPS (Original Gameplay Soundtrack)
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns (Original Soundtrack)
The Traveler's Tales
Shades of Space
So It Begins...(the Great Outdoors)
- If I Had A Heart (Norse Folk Metal)
- My Mother Told Me (Norse Folk Metal Version)
- The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums (Cinematic Trailer Soundtrack)
- Arora: Age of Desolation
- Sunken Isles
- Tavern Crawl (Twisted Taverns)
- Onwards
- Warrior's Lament
- Battle Approaches
- The Traveler's Tales
- Enter the Tavern
- Walk from the Woods
- Hail Goddesses
- Farewell to the Storm
- Weary Traveler
- Midnight Meadow
- A Minor Incident
- Lost Woods
- Solace
- June
- Ghost in the Woods
- Abendrot (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Watchmaker
- Chasing the Wind