Lucy Shelton
Followers: 278
Popularity: 2
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Is related artist of :
Carter: Quintets & Voices
Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21 & Herzgewächse, Op. 20
Del Tredici: Syzygy/Vintage Alice/ Songs
Stravinsky: The Fairy's Kiss; Faun and Shepherdess op. 2; Ode Elegiacal Chant in three parts for orchestra (1943)
Ruth Crawford Seeger: Music for Small Orchestra; Study in Mixed Accents; Three Songs; Three Chants; String Quartet; Two Ricercari; Andante for String Orchestra; Rissolty Rossolty; Suite for Wind Quintet / Charles Seeger: John Hardy
Knussen Conducts Knussen
Stravinsky: The Flood; Abraham and Isaac; Variations; Requiem Canticles / Wuorinen: A Reliquary for Igor Stravinsky