Followers: 133786
Popularity: 38
- metal
- swiss metal
- viking metal
- black metal
- symphonic black metal
- industrial black metal
- swiss black metal
Related artists:
- Rotting Christ
- Moonspell
- Satyricon
- Hypocrisy
- Enslaved
- Marduk
- Tiamat
- Impaled Nazarene
- Crematory
- Arcturus
- Agathodaimon
- Old Man's Child
- The Kovenant
- Naglfar
- Lord Belial
- Unleashed
- Borknagar
- Enthroned
- Ancient
- Limbonic Art
Is related artist of :
- Therion
- Dimmu Borgir
- Cradle Of Filth
- Rotting Christ
- Septicflesh
- Satyricon
- Hypocrisy
- Moonspell
- Tiamat
- Crematory
- Paradise Lost
- My Dying Bride
- The Kovenant
- I
- Primordial
- Cadaveria
Passage (Live)
Solar Soul
Lux Mundi
Eternal (Re-Issue)
Ceremony of Opposites
Era One
Aeonics - An Anthology
Lessons In Magic #1
Blood Ritual
Worship Him
- Moonskin (Live)
- Jupiterian Vibe (Live)
- Transcendence
- In the Deep
- Black Supremacy
- Red Planet
- Angel of Wrath
- Ave!
- Telepath
- Rebellion