Luis Humanoide
Followers: 3181
Popularity: 31
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Is related artist of :
Wonderlust (Original Show Soundtrack)
Republic Commando: Project War Mantle Part 2 (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
Tragedy of the Chosen One (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
Discovering the Orchestra
- Serenade of the Autumn Leaves
- Helldivers 2: A Quartet of Liber-Tea
- Republic at War: Extraction (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- Alpha Squad (Original Trailer Soundtrack)
- Tales of the Galaxy: Legend of Revan
- Dune: Conflict on Arrakis (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- The Postal Odyssey
- Star Wars: Special Operations
- The Timing of the Metropolis
- Syndicate: A Star Wars Fan Film (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- Star Wars: Pursuit Over Gan Moradir (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- Legends of the Highway
- Star Wars: Ultimate Move (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- Star Wars: A New Awakening (Original Trailer Soundtrack)
- Tukk Tales: The Rescue (Original Trailer Soundtrack)
- Overture of the Diesel Era
- Winter in the Town
- Clockwork Lands: Chronicles Aboard an Airship
- The Battalion of the North
- Star Wars: Dawn of the Dark Times
- A Ride in an Automobile
- Waltz of the Souls
- The Boy and his Bicycle
- The Engine of the Aeolus
- Shadow of the Republic (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- The Old Republic : Crossfire (Original Short Film Soundtrack)
- Symphony of the Clockwork Lands: The Time of Winds
- The Cities Will Shine Again
- Inferno Squad Defiance
- Order 66 Memories
- Order 66 Inquisition
- The Jedi Lives Forever
- Cyberpunk Racing
- Welcome Back Spartan
- Friendship and Brotherhood
- Clocker Neighborhood
- The Journey of Cal Kestis
- Adventures in the Clockwork Lands
- Release the Dragons
- In the House of the Inventor
- Trust Only in the Force
- Reborn of the Resistance
- Crossing the Asteroids
- Symphony of the Clockwork Lands
- Lando Returns
- Brothers
- The Great Port of the Air