Marty Stuart And His Fabulous Superlatives
Followers: 8815
Popularity: 28
Related artists:
- Billy Joe Shaver
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- Bruce Robison
- Elizabeth Cook
- Zephaniah OHora
- Paul Thorn
- Jimmie Dale Gilmore
- James Hand
- Trey Hensley
- Kenny Vaughan
- Rusty Wier
- Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley
Is related artist of :
- Billy Joe Shaver
- Jimmie Dale Gilmore
- Bill Kirchen
- Kenny Vaughan
- Dale Watson
- Chuck Mead
- Paul Thorn
- Shaver
- Terry Allen
- Robbie Fulks
Albums: Singles:
- Sitting Alone
- Altitude
- Country Star
- I Need To Know
- Lost on the Desert
- Torpedo
- Way out West
- Whole Lotta Highway (With a Million Miles to Go)