Amberian Dawn
Followers: 72720
Popularity: 36
Related artists:
- Lyriel
- Leaves' Eyes
- Nemesea
- The Murder of My Sweet
- Katra
- The Dark Element
- Dark Sarah
- Diabulus in Musica
- Elvellon
- Lunatica
- Edenbridge
- Dark Princess
- Arven
- Krypteria
- Stream of Passion
- Coronatus
- Elis
- Imperia
- Midnattsol
- Magica
Is related artist of :
- Epica
- Delain
- Xandria
- Sirenia
- Tarja
- After Forever
- Leaves' Eyes
- Nemesea
- Lunatica
- Edenbridge
- Krypteria
- Stream of Passion
- Visions of Atlantis
- Beyond The Black
- The Dark Element
- Nightwish
- Within Temptation
- Tuomas Holopainen
Take a Chance - a Metal Tribute to Abba
Looking for You
Darkness of Eternity
Magic Forest
Circus Black
End of Eden
The Clouds of Northland Thunder
River of Tuoni
- Super Trouper
- Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
- I'm the One
- Maybe
- Kokko - Eagle Of Fire
- Cold Kiss
- Arctica