Followers: 35552
Popularity: 29
- progressive metal
- power metal
- symphonic metal
- italian power metal
- italian metal
- neo classical metal
- progressive power metal
- italian progressive metal
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Masterplan
- Metalium
- Nocturnal Rites
- Vision Divine
- Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
- Impellitteri
- Circle II Circle
- Angel Dust
- Symphony X
Welcome to the Absurd Circus
Return to Live
Architecture of a God
Sons of Thunder
Return To Heaven Denied (pt.2)
Return to Heaven Denied
No Limits
- Live Today
- The Absurd Circus
- Falling Rain (Live)
- Moonlight (Live)
- Take on My Legacy
- Someone Says
- Bullets
- A New Dream
- Timeless Crime