The Tangent
Followers: 16111
Popularity: 18
Related artists:
- Rocket Scientists
- Unitopia
- Jadis
- Galahad
- Big Big Train
- Phideaux
- The Flower Kings
- Kaipa
- Knight Area
- Karmakanic
- Pallas
- The Watch
- Comedy of Errors
- Enchant
- Echolyn
- Abel Ganz
- Magic Pie
- Roine Stolt
- Karfagen
Is related artist of :
- Pure Reason Revolution
- Arena
- IQ
- Big Big Train
- The Flower Kings
- Unitopia
- Galahad
- Tim Bowness
- Beardfish
- Anekdoten
- Frost*
- Phideaux
- Kaipa
- Karmakanic
- Pallas
- Enchant
- Echolyn
- Magic Pie
- Roine Stolt
- Karfagen
- The Mute Gods
- Tony Levin
- Gleb Kolyadin
- The Prog Collective
To Follow Polaris
Pyramids, Stars & Other Stories: The Tangent Live Recordings 2004-2017
Songs From The Hard Shoulder
Auto Reconnaissance (Bonus Track Version)
Proxy (Bonus track version)
The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinery
A Spark in the Aether
Le Sacre du Travail
The Music That Died Alone
Not As Good As the Book
Going Off On One (Live)
A Place In The Queue
The World That We Drive Through
- The Single
- The North Sky (Radio Edit)
- A Crisis In Mid Life (Live in UK, 2012)
- A Spark in the Aether (Live in USA, 2017)
- The Lady Tied to the Lamp Post (edit)
- The Changes (edit)
- The Tower of Babel
- Life on Hold
- The Adulthood Lie (edit)
- A Case of Misplaced Optimism
- Slow Rust (edit)
- Two Rope Swings
- Down and Out In Paris and London - EP