Followers: 460
Popularity: 27
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Is related artist of :
The Secret Fauré 3: Sacred Vocal Works
Haydn: Die Schöpfung/The Creation
Christmas in Europe
Messe de Requiem, Op. 48/N 97b
Schumann: Missa Sacra, Schubert: Stabat Mater & Symphony No. 7, Unfinished / Unvollendete
Mendelssohn: Elias, Op. 70
Motetten und Kantaten
Händel: Dixit Dominus - Caldara: Missa Dolorosa
Festa Teatrale
J.S. Bach / H-Moll Messe
Durante, Astorga, Pergolesi / Sacred Works
Lotti: Requiem
- Það á að gefa börnum brauð
- Messe de Requiem, Op. 48/N 97b/VII. In Paradisum
- Messe de Requiem, Op. 48/N 97b/III. Sanctus