Followers: 34058
Popularity: 38
Related artists:
- Bloodbound
- Elvenking
- Masterplan
- Twilight Force
- Dream Evil
- Freedom Call
- Majestica
- Civil War
- Iron Savior
- Dragonland
- Dark Moor
- Power Quest
- Heavenly
- Iron Mask
- Luca Turilli (Band)
- Falconer
- Cain's Offering
- Wisdom
- NorthTale
- Rhapsody Of Fire
Is related artist of :
- Bloodbound
- Elvenking
- Twilight Force
- Masterplan
- Avantasia
- Stratovarius
- Rhapsody
- Dragonland
- Dark Moor
- Luca Turilli (Band)
- Cain's Offering
- Rhapsody Of Fire
- Grailknights
- Civil War
Albums: Singles: