John Stainer
Followers: 546
Popularity: 17
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Is related artist of :
English Choral Music. Motets and Anthems from Byrd to Elgar
Stainer: The Crucifixion
Stainer: The Crucifixion
The English Anthem 8
English Romantic Madrigals: Secular Partsongs from Victorian England
Trinity Sunday at Westminster Abbey
The Psalms of David
The English Hymn 3 – Hills of the North, Rejoice (Hymns for the Church Year)
The English Anthem 2: Stanford, Bainton, Joubert, Mathias, Finzi
The English Anthem 1: Stainer, Stanford, Bairstow, Ireland, Finzi etc.
Service High & Anthems Clear: Choral Favourites from Ely Cathedral