Followers: 254119
Popularity: 47
Related artists:
- Iced Earth
- Gamma Ray
- Running Wild
- Grave Digger
- Rage
- Metal Church
- Raven
- Grim Reaper
- Halford
- Fates Warning
- Flotsam & Jetsam
- Crimson Glory
- Virgin Steele
- Circle II Circle
- Jon Oliva's Pain
- Armored Saint
- Vicious Rumors
- Jag Panzer
- Sanctuary
- Lizzy Borden
Is related artist of :
- Queensrÿche
- Rainbow
- Accept
- Saxon
- Heaven & Hell
- W.A.S.P.
- Doro
- Warlock
- Running Wild
- Halford
- Manowar
- Bruce Dickinson
- Crimson Glory
- Yngwie Malmsteen
- At Vance
Sinners And Cheats (Live 1985)
Return to Wacken (Celebrating the Return on the Stage of One of the World's Greatest Progressive Metal Bands)
Streets: A Rock Opera (Narrated Version)
Handful of Rain (2011 Edition)
Ghost in the Ruins - A Tribute to Criss Oliva (2011 Edition)
Live in Japan (2011 Edition)
Streets - A Rock Opera (2011 Edition)
Sirens + the Dungeons Are Calling: The Complete Session (Bonus Track Edition)
The Wake of Magellan (Bonus Track Edition)
Poets and Madmen (2011 Edition)
Dead Winter Dead (2011 Edition)
Edge of Thorns (Bonus Track Edition)
Gutter Ballet (2011 Edition)
Hall of the Mountain King (2011 Edition)
Fight for the Rock (2011 Edition)
Fight For The Rock
Power of the Night (2011 Edition)