Napalm Death
Followers: 384452
Popularity: 47
- metal
- birmingham metal
- death metal
- groove metal
- deathgrind
- grindcore
- british death metal
- british grindcore
Related artists:
- Carcass
- Obituary
- Morbid Angel
- Dying Fetus
- Entombed
- Deicide
- Darkthrone
- Bolt Thrower
- Suffocation
- Celtic Frost
- Toxic Holocaust
- Possessed
- Cryptopsy
- Dismember
- Terrorizer
- Autopsy
- Pungent Stench
- Hellhammer
- Ghoul
Is related artist of :
Resentment is Always Seismic - a final throw of Throes
Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism (Bonus Tracks Version)
Live at Rock City
Apex Predator - Easy Meat
The Earache Peel Sessions
Enemy of the Music Business + Leaders Not Followers
Harmony Corruption (Full Dynamic Range Edition)
Scum (Full Dynamic Range 2012 Edition)
Time Waits for No Slave
Smear Campaign
The Code Is Red - Long Live the Code
Coded Smears And More Uncommon Slurs
Leaders Not Followers, Pt. 2
Punishment In Capitals
Noise For Music's Sake
Order Of The Leech
Words From The Exit Wound
Bootlegged In Japan
Inside The Torn Apart
Fear, Emptiness, Despair
Live Corruption
Utopia Banished (Remastered 2012 Edition)
Utopia Banished
Death By Manipulation
Harmony Corruption
From Enslavement To Obliteration (Full Dynamic Range Edition)
From Enslavement To Obliteration
- In Tongues We Speak
- The Crucifixion of Possessions
- Narcissus
- A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen
- Amoral
- Backlash Just Because
- Logic Ravaged by Brute Force
- Oh So Pseudo
- Converge / Napalm Death Split
- Call That an Option?
- Breed To Breathe
- Greed Killing
- Nazi Punks Fuck Off
- The World Keeps Turning
- Mass Appeal Madness
- Suffer The Children