Followers: 113
Popularity: 40
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The Richard Tauber Collection, Vol. 14, Franz Schubert: Winterreise, D. 911 (Excerpts) & Other Songs [Recorded 1923-1942]
Heinrich Schlusnus, Vol. 3 (1928-1944)
Verdissimo II: Great Singers for Verdi Vol. 1
Leonard Bernstein: Historic Broadcasts, 1946-1961
The Piano Masters: Dinu Lipatti (1941-1948)
The Symposium Opera Collection, Vol. 19 (1924)
Il mito dell'Opera: Mario Filippieschi (Recorded 1955-1957)
Dame Clara Butt
O'Sullivan (1916-1928)
Mahler: Lieder, Early Recordings (1915-1949)
Szymon Goldberg: Non-Commercial Recordings, Vol. 1
- Il mito dell'opera: 18 Che gelida manina da La Bohème di Giacomo Puccini, Vol. 2 (Recorded 1910-1962)
- Il mito dell'opera: 18 Che gelida manina da La Boheme di G. Puccini, Vol. 1 (Recorded 1904-1958)
- Festival of the Great Tenors (1933-1956)
- Glamourwelt Berlin, Vol. 2Das Große Schauspielhaus - The Great Schauspielhaus From the Weimarer Republik to the Second World War
- Bax: First Recordings (1925-1949)