Followers: 13027
Popularity: 29
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
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- Pepito Rella
- Lanz Khan
- Chicoria
- Montenero
- Er Costa
- St Luca Spenish
- Microspasmi
- Duplici
- Uomini Di Mare
ZTK's Blood Brothers (Running Free)
Star Roller
2Win$ Mixtape
Cime viola mixtape
Underground Legend Mixtape
Underground Legend
- Wild Boys, pt. 2
- Wild boys
- 04:20 AM
- Rolla e brucia
- Deniyor
- Banana x Gelato
- Ferrari
- Metro b
- Vinz II (Jamil Diss)
- Prima da mori (feat. 1Zuckero)
- Star Rover (feat. DJ Stile)
- Over the Pot / State of Grind
- Flickering
- Shot the Sheriff - Single