Hamilton Harty
Followers: 376
Popularity: 21
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Is related artist of :
- The Art of Sir Hamilton Harty
- The Great Violinists, Vol. IX
- A Golden Treasury of His English Columbia 78s (1931-1937)
- Conductor's Gallery, Vol. 2: Sir Hamilton Harty
- NKB SP Selection No. 18, Great Performer 2
- Harty: The Children Of Lir & Ode to a Nightingale
- Harty: Complete Orchestral Works
- The Quietest Things
- Handel: Memoirs 2
- Songs by Sir Hamilton Harty
- Milestones of a Violin Legend: Joseph Szigeti, Vol. 5
- Dame Clara Butt
- Hamilton Harty: String Quartets & Piano Quintet
- The Piano Masters: Solomon / Clifford Curzon (1931-1947)
- O'Sullivan (1916-1928)
- Hamilton Harty (1929-1935)
- Harty: Comedy Overture (A) / Piano Concerto / Fantasy Scenes
- Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1/ Chopin: Etudes (Solomon) (1929-1930)
- Brahms & Mendelssohn: Violin Concertos (Szigeti) (1928, 1933)
- Harty: Irish Symphony (An) / With the Wild Geese / In Ireland
- Water Music & Royal Fireworks Music
- Water Music
- The Water Music Suite
- On Wings Of Song
- Harty Conducts Berlioz
- Handel: Water Music Suite
- Golden Voices Series
- Crown Imperial
- Harty: Violin Concerto in D Minor & Variations on a Dublin Air
- Harty: Piano Concerto, In Ireland & With the Wild Geese
- Harty: A John Field Suite
- Harty: An Irish Symphony & A Comedy Overture