Followers: 777781
Popularity: 52
Related artists:
- Testament
- Kreator
- Obituary
- Overkill
- Annihilator
- Morbid Angel
- Sodom
- Havok
- Death Angel
- Venom
- Metal Church
- Possessed
- Destruction
- Nuclear Assault
- Dark Angel
- Sacred Reich
- Tankard
- Whiplash
- Forbidden
- Vio-Lence
Is related artist of :
- Black Label Society
- Machine Head
- Kreator
- Judas Priest
- Motörhead
- Megadeth
- Pantera
- Slayer
- Dio
- Testament
- Danzig
- Sepultura
- Anthrax
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Overkill
- Annihilator
- Sodom
- Venom
- Havok
- Evile
British Disaster: The Battle of '89 (Live At The Astoria)
Persona Non Grata
Blood in Blood Out
Exhibit B: The Human Condition
Shovel Headed Tour Machine: Live at Wacken and Other Assorted Atrocities (Live at Wacken, 2008)
The Atrocity Exhibition - Exhibit A
Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Tempo of the Damned
Another Lesson In Violence (Live)
Force Of Habit (Reissue)
Impact Is Imminent
Fabulous Disaster
Pleasures of the Flesh
Bonded by Blood