Stephin Merritt
Followers: 9547
Popularity: 22
Related artists:
- Nina Nastasia
- Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
- The Innocence Mission
- The Langley Schools Music Project
- Lou Barlow
- Katharine Whalen
- The Essex Green
- The 6ths
- Little Wings
- Evan Dando
- Akron/Family
- Jana Hunter
- The Concretes
- The Fiery Furnaces
- Allo Darlin'
- Sally Timms
- Don Peris
- Karen Peris
- David Sitek
- M Ward
Is related artist of :
Coraline (Original Off-Broadway Cast Recording)
The Orphan of Zhao
Peach Blossom Fan
My Life as a Fairy Tale
Pieces of April
Eban & Charley