Joseph Middleton
Followers: 233
Popularity: 17
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Schumann: Stille Liebe
- Elysium - A Schubert Recital
- A Soprano's Schubertiade
- Schubert: Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe. Lieder
- Schubert: Die Schöne Mullerin
- Visions Illuminées
- A Most Marvellous Party: Noel Coward and Friends
- The Divine Muse
- Voyages
- Mad About the Boy
- Any Little Fish
- Die Götter Griechenlands, D.677
- Goethe Lieder: No. 50. Ganymed
- Vedi, quanto adoro ingrato, D. 510
- Harmonie du soir