Michael Sanderling
Followers: 840
Popularity: 47
Related artists:
- Zefira Valova
- Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg
- Matthias Kirschnereit
- Niu Niu
- Julian Azkoul
- Lucy Gould
- Stefan Maass
- Jean-François Rivest
- Hiroaki Takenouchi
- 久末 航
- レナード・スラットキン
- フランス国立リヨン管弦楽団
- Elvira Misbakhova
- Renate Steinmann
- Jonathan Martindale
- Amina Hussain
- Jâms Coleman
- Members of Sinfonia Cymru
- Ivan Podyomov
Is related artist of :
Brahms: Symphonies Nos 1-4, Piano Quartet No. 1 (Orch. Schoenberg)
Schumann: Cello Concerto (arrangements)
Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 & Moments musicaux - Krichel: Lullaby
Dvořák: The Cello Works
Haydn: Cello Concertos Nos. 1 & 2
Spohr: Doppelkonzerte (Musik am Gothaer Hof)